Boho Stitch Along. Week no. 10

Welcome back for Week no. 10! If you are just beginning a piece for the #BohoSAL, check out my previous posts here. And if you are new to embroidery and want to learn the basics, check out my embroidery book, Boho Embroidery for everything you need to get started!

I’m so enjoying taking my time on this Anna Maria Horner Fibs and Fables hoop. This week, I started one of my clouds. I’m not sure what my plan is for all of the clouds yet, but I feel like this is a really fun start for this piece!

Let’s see what our stitch along friends are up to this week, shall we?!

Check out the tools that @stitchalongwithjen keeps nearby for her stitching project! I’m all about Elmer’s Washable Glue for just about everything!!!

I love the what @andreatebs is doing here. To achieve perfectly spaced stitches, she is using Tiger Tape. I have never used this, going the route of chalk or pen lines and a ruler, but I am now curious and want to give this technique a try!

Melissa is working with some teeny tiny Dandelyne hoops…my favorite mini hoop designer!!! These are beautiful earrings!

I love watching this one by Ann take shape. And how about that adorable needle minder?!

Another fabulous work in progress by @yondergirlie with a fabulous pair of scissors (I have and love those!) and her floss on a wood bobbin!!

And it looks like @belladar58 has new threads from @thethreadgatherer on those adorable mini spools!!!

I am asked a lot about needles and so (hopefully) midweek, i’ll be doing a needle round up! Stay tuned and until then, happy stitching!


Boho Stitch Along. Week no. 7

Welcome back for Week no. 7! If you are just beginning a piece for the #BohoSAL, check out my previous posts here. And if you are new to embroidery and want to learn the basics, check out my embroidery book, Boho Embroidery for everything you need to get started!

I love the #hoopguts on the back of my embroidery just as much as I like the embroidered front side of my hoops!

Here is the piece that I’m working on for my BohoStitchAlong and you can see that I have a loose thread leftover. I am often asked “what should I do with my thread ends?” 

I’ve seen many methods for dealing with the ends…some involve tying knots and others don’t. This is completely up to you!  I’ll will share with you my method for achieving the guttiest of hoopguts!

When I am left with a short piece of thread like this and I know I can’t get anymore stitches out of it, I will take my needle with the shirt piece of thread and I will weave it back into my stitches. This is the easiest method I have found to work with my thread ends!

There are two things to be careful of when doing this: 

1. Be sure not to bring your thread through to the front of your piece again. Keep your woven ends on the back. 

2. If you are working with white or light fabric, don’t just let your stitches weave all over the place because you will see that from the front. Weave your stitches back in through your stitched area. You can see an example of where I did this on the mermaid hoop below:

On this hoop, I was not as careful because I was stitching through several layers of collaged fabric and I knew my stitches would not be seen from the front:

A loose weave, like this linen, can easily be seen through, so your #hoopguts should also stay within your stitched area:

This was a charcoal grey fabric and I didn’t need to worry as much about my stitches or stitch ends weaving back and forth and I quite like the business of hoopguts like this!

Now let’s see what some of our Boho Stitch Along friends have been up to this week!

@indiannadreams is working is beautiful shades of pinks and reds and I love how these #hoopguts are so densely packed with stitches!

Flipping over the hoop and letting use see the #hoopguts also allows us to see that each person has a different technique. @willowandtroutmakerie is stitching honeycombs and hexies but is stitching through a layer of batting as well!

@grammalissa has been featured here before and her hoop guts are just stunning. Hope over to her page and check out how this hoop, which is now almost finished except for the border!

These are such delicate hoop guts being stitched up by @reccalynn70. Check out the front of her hoop…I love the variety of stitches that she is using for her project!

So there you have it! Gorgeous #hoopguts this week, stitchers! If you want more, be sure to check out the alternate tag: #hoopbutt over on Instagram!!!

We have lots of new stitchers starting the stitchalong every week, so keep spreading the embroidery love to your friends! Happy stitching this week!




Boho Stitch Along. Week no. 6

Welcome back for Week no. 6! If you are just beginning a piece for the #BohoSAL, check out my previous posts here. And if you are new to embroidery and want to learn the basics, check out my embroidery book, Boho Embroidery for everything you need to get started!

So this week, for our #BohoSAL, I decided to feature one of my all-time favorite fabric designers, Anna Maria Horner who designs fabric for Free Spirit Fabrics. I love the way she uses color and mixes patterns…it speaks volumes to my boho loving heart!

Here are a few pictures of the hoops (yes, hoops!!) that i’m currently working on which feature her fabric.

In this one, I cut and layered various sized circles on the bottom portion of the hoop, leaving the top open to be embellished. This is a combination of the feather stitch, lazy daisys and french knots.

I also decided to add in another color of feather stitching here:


And this is a piece from her Enchanted fabric that i’m working on. This water is stitched in one of my favorite simple stitches, the backstitch. I am using Size 3 Eleganza in the limited edition color Cabbage Patch and Size 5 Eleganza in Hyper Blue. The combination of two sizes give the water a nice ripply effect, I think.


Let’s see what our Instagram stitching friends are up to this week! Since this week is all about Anna Maria Horner, I am featuring several stitchers who are working with her fabric for their stitch along piece.

If the fabric is still available for purchase from Anna Maria Horner, I also included the link. If it’s not on her site, you may need to do a little Etsy searching for the harder to find pieces!

Melissa of little_girl_pearl is ambitiously working on two separate pieces. The first is on Summer Totem fabric and I have to say that running stitch on the brown and teal flower is all kinds of awesome!

And her second hoop with this Garden Party fabric is also gorgeous, isn’t it?! Love the shades of blue on the flower petal!

I love the addition of robin’s egg blue on this piece by @stitchingkat on a piece of fabric from her Dowry collection.

This might be my favorite color way of the Mod Corsage line and Megan is filling this piece up with lots and lots and lots of satin stitching!

@stitchesquilting is working with Folk Song fabric and I love how each of her orange flowers is stitched slightly different. Also, check out those bullion knots!

The grey and white print from Observations might be my favorite. Although, I love the teal version too! Emily is making progress and I have to say one of my favorite parts of this hoop are the dandelion petals around the edges!


So there’s our round up for this week! Everyone is just stitching along and it’s been great to see new stitchers joining every day!

How do your #hoopguts look? You know, the back of your hoop where all of your thread ends and back and forth bits are hiding out behind the scenes?! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I love a good Hoop Guts shot! For next week, how about sharing a picture of the backside of your hoop? I always think it’s fun to see the messier side of things!

Have a great week and happy stitching!


Boho Stitch Along. Week no. 5

Welcome back for Week no. 5! If you are just beginning a piece for the #BohoSAL, check out my previous posts here. And if you are new to embroidery and want to learn the basics, check out my embroidery book, Boho Embroidery for everything you need to get started!

I think it might be fair to say that I kind of, sort of, okay….maybe a lot, really, really like Alison Glass fabric! It lends itself to the sort of Boho Embroidery that I just love to do. Also, you can’t go wrong with a color palette of fuchsias, plums, mustards, greys, citrons, etc….I could seriously go on and on and fangirl like crazy, but I should stop myself and just let you check out more of her fabric lines (here) at the Andover Fabrics site!

Let’s check out some of the great Alison Glass projects that are being stitched up this week!

@thequiltingcats has started stitching the mountains on this piece of Abacus fabric. I love her green variation and this black and white fabric is just begging to be stitched on, isn’t it?!

Here’s another Abacus fabric being stitched up by @mlourim99. How amazing are the red flowers?! I’m also loving the oranges and blues on the moth…can’t wait to see that one all stitched up!

And one more from the Abacus fabric being stitched up by @nightquilter. I love how each of these projects uses fabric from the same line, and yet they are completely different from one another!

And in case you weren’t sure how much I love Alison Glass fabrics, here are a few projects that I have done in the past using them!!!

I’ll start with a piece that I’m currently working on for the Boho Stitch Along using an orange piece from the brand new Sunprints 2017 collection:

I told you I liked her fabric!!!!

Remember to keep tagging your Boho Stitch Along projects with the #BohoSAL tag so we can see your progress and inspire one another! I’m thinking next week I might feature the projects who are using another of my favorite designers, Anna Maria Horner! So, if you are stitching on an AMH fabric, tag it and I’ll probably feature it here!

And one more thing before I leave you today….

How about this post from @weatherkim who was at a workshop that I taught at Pennington Quilt Works in NJ yesterday. What a fun bunch of ladies and gorgeous projects that are being stitched up! If you are in the area, i’ll be teaching another workshop there in April!!

Have fun stitching this week!



Boho Stitch Along. Week no. 4

Welcome back for Week no. 4! If you are just beginning a piece for the #BohoSAL, check out my previous posts here. And if you are new to embroidery and want to learn the basics, check out my embroidery book, Boho Embroidery for everything you need to get started!

This week I dabbled in Bullion Knots for a really fun look on these two flowers:

For a good Bullion Knot, you need to use a Milliner’s needle, which is the same width the entire length of the needle. My favorite ones are the Richard Hemming Milliners Needles and also the Tulip Milliner’s Needles.

Also, a great resource for learning new stitches or even if you need a refresher on how to work a stitch, are the library of videos by Mary Corbet. They are clear and concise and a really great reference to have!

Now, let’s check out what our #BohoSAL stitchers have been up to this week!

You can find Tara at @t_jaye on instagram. She is the creator of the Wefty Needle which is designed to help you weave fabric strips and bias tape. I can speak from experience when I say that these needles are amazing!!! She took her weaving to a new level this week as she shifted her focus onto thread weaving for her stitch along piece!

I love that @mariainstitches focused on a monochrome palette this week working with black french knots on a black background. What a great way to add dimensional texture!

Leigh of @leighbee279 did some amazing satin stitching on this flower. I especially love the french knots that make up the center of the flower!

@skylaseltzer is taking this black and white fabric to the next level with these cool-toned stitches. Such beautiful work!

I have to admit that i’m quite partial to “Madge” being stitched up by @judith_b_richardson! This variegated satin stitched border around Madge is so perfectly perfect!

Take a look at the #BohoSAL tag on Instagram for even more inspiration from all of the participants and if you have been hesitant to join in, please do! We would love to have you! Grab a fabric that you love, a needle and some thread and you have all you need to start Boho stitching!!

Have a great week stitching!

Boho Stitch Along. Week no. 3

Welcome back for Week no. 3! If you are just beginning a piece for the #BohoSAL, check out my previous posts here. And if you are new to embroidery and want to learn the basics, check out my embroidery book, Boho Embroidery for everything you need to get started!

I finished up a big project on Friday and start a new one on Monday, so these are the stitches that I worked on while in between projects. Lots of Lazy Daisy petals, Fern Stitches and French Knots.

This is the perfect stitching for my palette cleansing between larger projects!

Let’s jump into sharing some of the beautiful projects that are filling up the #BohoSAL feed on Instagram!

If you’ve been following along with my own stitchery on Instagram, you’ll know I love a good Alison Glass fabric! I’m excited to watch @thequiltingcats make progress on this hoop using fabric from the Abacus  fabric line. Those snow capped mountains!!

I love that @quilted_nor_easter is practicing the Sheaf Stitch (In two different colors!!) on these X’s. This also happens to be one of my favorite Mod Corsage prints from Anna Maria Horner.

I’ve been enjoying watching this patchwork piece take shape from @stitchalongwithjen. I love a good random patchwork design and this one is just so colorful and fun!

How cool is this idea?! @grammalissa is using a random number generator to chose each color that gets added to her stitching! What fun!

@weatherkim has been working through the stitches in Boho Embroidery and posting her progress with each stitch. The Tied Herringbone stitch in yellow and pink just pops on this fabric!

I love the accent stitching that @studioloo is adding to her floral print fabric. And check out her latest pics…my favorite color, teal, makes a lovely appearance!

This is one of two pieces that @nataskiii is working on for her #BohoSAL and I think the satin stitching might be my favorite part of this one!

I’m seeing so many new stitchers just now joining this Stitch Along, so continue sharing your progress with your friends and have them join in too!

This unstructured-stitch-whatever-you-can-each-week-Stitchalong is perfect for joining in during whatever week we are currently on! Grab a piece of fabric that you like, hoop it up and practice a new stitch. See where that takes you and you will continue to be inspired by all of the projects that are being stitched up this year!

Happy Stitching this week!